Ethically-Sourced Content From Free-Range Vegans

Welcome to The Misunderstood Mammal, the internet’s first, and maybe only, digital magazine for the Gonzo vegan. Ideas, poetry, interviews and more from a collective of slightly cynical but ethically-motivated & progressive vegans who simply want to make the world a better place through our art.

Cholesterol Free Vegan Pancakes

Cholesterol Free Vegan Pancakes

These delicious vegan pancakes are Cholesterol free! The recipe is from our Instagram and Facebook friend Monica Diaz, known as The Compassionate Living Lady. Check out her Instagram for more amazing meals you can make at home too!

Speciesism, The Roots of Hate

Social movements are typically connected by a common thread. If one were to find the thread and pull it they’d find discrimination, such as racism, sexism, heterosexism, and political prejudice. These are some of the driving forces behind social movements. Another form of discrimination finally making the headlines is Speciesism. 


Following the speciesism assertion all the way through to its logical conclusion, one could justify any exploitation because it quantifies the moral value of the life of a sentient being. 

Anonymous For The Voiceless Activist at a Cube of Truth

Featured Interview: Unmasking Anonymous For The Voiceless

Interview with an Anonymous for the Voiceless Co-Organizer

Vegan for life

Click here for Vegan Food Porn, mouth watering recipes, new products for vegans, vegan and environmental related news and vegans in the headlines!

Cow awaiting slaughter

Poetry & Creative Writing

"Unjustified", a poem about the unjustified exploitation of cows

The Cool Kids Club


  1. Prince
  2. Barry White
  3. Anthony Kiedis
  4. Brian Bell
  5. Stevie Wonder
  6. Adam Yauch
  7. Andre 3000
  8. Rob Zombie
  9. Peter Dinklage
  10. Jason Mraz
  11. RZA
  12. James Cromwell
  13. Moby
  14. Morrisey
  15. Woody Harrelson
  16. You!

As a vegan you may often feel ostracized from your family or community, but you’re not alone. Just turn on the TV or listen to some music from like-minded vegan artists! Click a name to learn more about these visionaries. 

15 minute poodle meditation video

Publications by Misunderstood Mammals

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