Helpless, unable to ease your pain.
Its egotistical and selfish to think about me,
When in your eyes pain is all I see.
It just hurts so bad, I feel so helpless, so scared,
When you’re sick and hurting but cannot tell me where.
You whimper, you cry, not your usual spry,
You aren’t eating, please drink some, we can’t say goodbye.
Adjust your diet, keep you warm, call a vet,
They don’t understand that you aren’t just a pet.
If only you could speak up, and tell me yourself,
What I can do and how I can help
I’ll do all I can, and be here to the end,
I wish I could help my furry little friend.
Helpless & Scared
I wrote this poem when one of the rats in my daughter’s care was ill. The experience reminded me of a cat we used to live with who passed away, that cat changed me. It’s always so hard on us as caretakers to table our own fears and insecurities while we tend to their needs. Its difficult knowing something is wrong but not being able to ask them what is afflicting them.
Rescuing animals is fulfilling endeavor and providing them the best care we can is imperative. They have already been through a hard time, it’s up to the caretaker to ensure those days are behind them. Identifying emergency issues is vital.
There are many signs that an animal in your care needs medical attention, such as pale gums or rapid breathing, or more obvious signs such as loss of consciousness. The ASPCA has an informative article concerning emergency care for animals in your care.