Following the speciesism assertion all the way through to its logical conclusion, one could justify any exploitation because it quantifies the moral value of the life of a sentient being.
Read MoreFollowing the speciesism assertion all the way through to its logical conclusion, one could justify any exploitation because it quantifies the moral value of the life of a sentient being.
Read MoreThis piece is about domestication, capitalism, and human civilization built on the back of, and possibly destroyed at the feet of, the cow.
Read MoreNo matter how efficient Man has become at hurting fellow humans, those efforts pale in comparison with the weapons of mass destruction used to inflict suffering upon animals, all in the name of profit.
Read MoreThis installment of Politics & Protest will focus on the US withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement.
Read MoreVegans can often be heard discussing the animal slave industry. Does it make sense for vegans to compare animal agriculture to human slavery?
Read More“Vegans, those holier than thou do-gooders! How dare they push their way of life on us!” This phrase can be heard daily…
Read MoreMemoirs of a Madman Welcome to my contributor page, the journey from Bob to Basil. I’m Lord Basil G. Lightfoot
Read MoreI had two intentions when I set out to write The Grimbleschnorph Chronicles. First, I wanted to write a children’s book and second, I wanted to write a vegan-themed fantasy or sci-fi story for young adults…
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