What Do Vegans Eat?

What Do Vegans Eat?

How Do They Survive?

Who was Jack the Ripper? Is there a Bigfoot? Where is Jimmy Hoffa’s body and did DB Cooper Survive? These mysteries pale in comparison to the age-old conundrum, what do vegans eat? This question has perplexed grandparents the world over as they try to understand their vegan grandchildren.

Many valiant efforts have been undertaken during holiday meals to determine the secret to those elusory food items. Some have even speculated that potatoes and beans may be involved, but yet again they find themselves asking, “What do vegans eat”.


The wait is over. The Misunderstood Mammal decided to undertake the mission of unraveling the enigmatic vegan diet. We completed an intricate undercover investigative operation. After following countless vegans in secret and documenting their grazing, we’ve uncovered the truth. Keep scrolling for enlightenment.

Cholesterol Free Vegan Pancakes

Cholesterol Free Vegan Pancakes

These delicious vegan pancakes are Cholesterol free! The recipe is from our Instagram and Facebook friend Monica Diaz, known as The Compassionate Living Lady. Check out her Instagram for more amazing meals you can make at home too!

Super simple, Super delicious, SUPER FOOD Salad!

Super simple, super delicious, SUPER FOOD Salad!

Super Food Salad, from CompassionateLivingLady. Only 10 minutes to prep with simple ingredients!

Banana Nut Muffins topped with @kindsnacks almond butter granola clusters

Banana Nut Muffins w/Kind almond butter granola clusters!

Compassionatelivinglady’s Banana Nut Muffins are the perfect breakfast or snack!

Food Porn-Reader Submissions

Statistically speaking, most people online right now are either searching for hot amateur content, scrolling through pictures of what their friends had for dinner, or they want to see cats being cute. If you’re one of those people looking for something spicy and your friends food pics made you hungry, you’ll love our Food Porn section.

We have tons of hot, sexy reader-submitted photos of cruelty-free meals that leave nothing to the imagination. Just click here!

Cooking Spotlight Video: Curried Lentils with The Compassionate Living Mom

Healthy Peanut Butter and Chocolate glazed baked donuts!

Healthy, Peanut Butter and Chocolate glazed baked donuts!

These doughnuts from Compassionatelivinglady are the perfect guilt free treat or breakfast!?????.